1. Walkaton & Kempen Kesedaran dan Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Di Kalangan Warga Emas
This event would be held this coming Sunday and the details are as follows:-
Venue: Pejabat Cawangan MBSA Kota Kemuning (Start)
Time: 6.30 am to 2.00 pm
Date: Sunday, 23 October 2011
Activities include the following:-
i A health talk on Alzheimer.
ii. A health check by Columbia Hospital.
iii. A drums performance by SRJC Chung Hwa.
Lots of “walkaton” prizes and souvenirs for participants!
CGRA residents are welcomed and encouraged to join in the fun.
2. Telecommunication Tower
It has been confirmed that the telecommunication tower will be relocated.
3. Draft Master Plan - Selangor
The Selangor Draft Master Plan plan is ready and could be viewed at MBSA Cawangan office any time during office hour.
Of interest to Canal Gardens residents, the proposed plan for the flyover from Kesas to Canal Gardens has been removed from the plan.
A period of one (1) week has been allowed to register any objection from residents.
PPKK, together with all zones residents, have been requested to submit their objection forms to MBSA. A copy will be issued after an emergency PPKK meeting this coming Friday.
Paul Leong has requested Tan Ah Kow, the Zone 12 councillor, to send the web link to all residents to check this out if they are interested to do so. So do look out for it.
4. New MBSA Gated & Guarded (G & G) Guidelines
The Guidelines has recently been released to residents for viewing at the Jabatan Perancangan & Pembangunan, Shah Alam.
Some pertinent points to take note of are:
i. Security personnel of G & G communities are not permitted to collect/keep personal ID of visitors such as their Mykads and driving licences. This will affect Canal Garden’s SOP which may need to be amended to comply with the ruling.
ii. G & G requires two (2) entrances or exits.
iii. TNB Meter Guard House
iv. Nepalese with the exception of ex-army personnel (gurkhas) are not permitted to work as security guards.
v. Security personnel after 60 years of age are not permitted to work as guards.
vi. Security personnel between the age of 56 - 60 are required to have medical check-ups.
vii. Security personnel must be in uniform with black/dark blue pants.
viii. The height of walls surrounding a G & G community should not exceed 9 feet and the walls should permit view of the residential community.
5. U-turn for Canal Garden
Lake Edge and MBSA informed that the U-Turn may be closed and a “No U-Turn” sign placed at the junction. Lake Edge Residents/New Shops/Kota Permai have difficulty driving across the main road especially during peak hours.
They have highlighted the original traffic plan of Kota Kemuning to support their complaint. Paul Leong has requested for a month for the CGRA to respond with a proposed amicable solution for all concerned. This may include changing the traffic flow to Canal Gardens for residents through the use of the back gate.
En.Azlan (Cawangan Manager) is ready to support our proposal and solution to settle this complaint and issue.
All residents via their road representatives can suggest solutions to the entrance/exit to CG. Residents are encouraged to write to CGRA’s email with their suggestions and proposals.
The above changes will have major implications and impact our current security SOP and the proposed renovations/improvements to guard house.
The CGRA will need to organise an "Emergency" CGRA Meeting to discuss these latest issues next Monday, 24 October 2011 at 8.30pm.
Reported by ~ Paul Leong ~
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