‘Time and Tide waits for no man’ – how true this quote is! Time is truly the essence in parenting as children grow up so fast that sometimes when they are teenagers, we wish they were kids again.
Taking care of my 4 children when they were young was not easy. I had to discipline them, sometimes even cane them, and be ever ready to hug them, nurse them, play with them, tell stories, make their meals, and guide them in their studies…. It truly is a full time, energy-draining but rewarding job taking care of your family!
Modern day mothers often say ‘It’s OK to work while the children are young because they are “too young” to understand anything.’ So, off they are sent to babysitters, day care centres or left at home with the maid.
From personal experience and confirmed by studies, children’s characters are formed from 0 – 7 years. At this time, their young minds are like sponges that absorb everything they see, feel and touch. The children need all the attention we can shower on them!
When my children became teenagers, they were so caught up with what their friends say and do that, if not for the bonding made in the early years, my children would not be close to me.
So mothers, be warned – ‘It’s too late to quit your job when your children become teenagers! They won’t have time for you!’
Grab every opportunity to spend time with them when they are young.
Here are some personal suggestions:
- Prepare their breakfast and food for recess
(My son still remembers my best sandwiches for his recess!)
- Walk or drive them to and from school
(Speak positive words for the day and bless them!)
- Eat meals together
(Set a regular time so that children know when to be home and ready to eat. This creates a family-centred atmosphere and builds family unity.)
- Help them with their homework
(Make it a fun time!)
- Attend their school events like sports day, concert, prize-giving day, etc.
(Your involvement shows your interest in your children’s welfare and helps build their confidence, self-esteem, strong family relationships, etc. that can last for generations!)
- Watch TV together
(Encourages communication as you discuss the show and hone good values into your children.)
- Play with them
(Brings joy, fun and laughter in the family.)
- Put them to bed
(Best time to chat about the day’s happenings. They won’t forget the bedtime stories even when they become adults!)
Many incidental teachings are taught and instilled through the above daily grind.
Parents, your role in building a successful home is so vital. Commit yourself to develop good habits first and foremost. Your children will learn more from your examples than from anything else!
We have… taller buildings but shorter temper,
more conveniences but less time
more knowledge but less judgment
fancier houses but broken homes
We clean up our air but pollute our souls
We travel to the moon but not to our neighbours
We add years to life but not life to years.
(Source unknown)
Article Contributed by ~ Skunkworks@23 in collaboration with Mrs Loh ~