Pets play an important role in the home and can be wonderful companions to kids, adults and seniors. The bond that forms between a family and their pet is sometimes difficult for non pet owners to understand, but for all of us who have or have had a pet in our home, we know the joy and pleasure these faithful companions can bring. Owning and caring for a family pet doesn't have to be a difficult or burdensome experience.
Dogs are great friends and very good companions.
They need good baths to keep them neat and clean. Keeping them clean will keep them from bacteria and from getting sick or getting diseases. It will help them not get fleas and ticks. Check their teeth and their ears occasionally.
Do not starve them or they could die. You should take them for annual medical check ups at the veterinarians. If they don't get good attention or good care or if they are hurt or sick they might try to run away or won't come when you call for them.
You need not cage them up or they might start biting you for not playing with them. They might also feel neglected or think that they did something very bad if they don't come out of the cage or where they are kept. If neglected the dog may bite or attack some of the people in your neighborhood and then you could get sued and your dog could get put to sleep. If you don't watch your dog when you take it outside it could run away. When you bring your dogs for walks, please bring along paper and plastic bags for picking up their ‘poo’ and discard them at nearby trash bins. Be considerate to your neighbours and keep the surroundings clean.

- Tick or flea infestations. Such a condition, if left untreated by a veterinarian, can lead to an animal’s death
- Wounds on the body
- Patches of missing fur
- Extremely thin, starving animals
- Limping
- An owner striking or physically abusing an animal
- Dogs which are repeatedly left alone without food and water or often chained up in a yard
- Dogs which have been hit by cars or are showing any signs listed above and have not been taken to a veterinarian
- Dogs which are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions
- Animals which cower in fear or act aggresively when approached by their owners
Cats are very good on their feet. If they are neglected they will bite, hiss or claw.
You will need to give them a manicure or trim their nails or a scratching post will help keep their nails trimmed. They love lots of toys like toy mice and a ball. Cats love you when you pet them nicely.
You need a litter box so they don't make a mess on the floor, a scoop by the box will help keep it clean.
Cats of all ages, shapes, and sizes have made their way into the homes and hearts of millions.

Rabbits can have a heart attack if something scares them.
Rabbits need food like hay, pellets and vegetables and they also need water everyday. You need to love them by playing with them. They do growl and bite you when they are mad. Their nails should be occasionally clipped.
You can build hutches for them outside so that they have a good shelter. Rabbits are playful so ensure you keep them exercised or they will start chewing on your stuff.
Let’s end with two quotations -
Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.
An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.
I love pets too. But some of the residents are making them a pest to others by letting their pets loose, especially cats. This is quite a nuisance to others as they sometimes like to loiter in other houses. As for dog owners,there are still owners or their maids walking their dogs without scoping their droppings though plenty of signboard advising them to do so. There's a prick often bring his white bullpit out near the roundabout and never bother to bring any bags to collect the droppings. All these inconsiderate actions go against the bylaw that disallow residents to have pets in the canal garden and when the law flex a little, it is abused. I read the paper today and one article said that a notice board (somewhere here) was put up to say anyone throwing rubbish near that area would die from car accident instead of the norm of RM2000 fine. No one dare throw thereafter. Perhaps these kinda notice board should be put up afterall....
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